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Programming Console

Partner4CS & CS4DE

With the growing digital economy, there is a need to help equip students with computational thinking skills and broaden participation in computing. Yet, data continue to demonstrate that women and non-Asian minorities are not well represented in the field of computing. Engaging students in computing at a young age can influence their participation and help diversify the field.


Partner4CS is a project aiming to prepare teachers for computer science education and promote the implementation of computer science curricula in Delaware.


CS4DE is a project in which researchers and practitioners collaborate, design, and study professional development and instructional approaches focusing on the implementation of computer science standards in middle schools in Delaware.

Research Work

Veng, S., Mouza, C., & Pollock, L. (2023, March). Examining the Design and Outcomes of an After-School Physical Computing Program in Middle-School. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Veng, S., Mouza, C., & Pollock, L. (work in progress). Comparing Block-Based Physical Computing and Text-Based Computing Environments in a Middle School Computer Science Program.

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